
Demon Heart - 1

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Literature Text

Demon Heart

It was deep in the night, a full moon shining brightly in the sky. A man with long black hair and brown eyes sat on the edge of a cliff, overlooking a city nearby. A tall dark tower rose up in the far distance. He wore black leather clothing, and carried a long dark-bladed sword at his side. Black demon wings lay folded behind him. He closed his eyes and let a cool breeze sweep by.
‘For a long time now, darkness has ruled over this land, known as Roscar. Varick and his league of other demons have enslaved this world. These bands around the slaves’ necks are used as a means of controlling and punishing them whenever they do anything in revolt against them. Each city is led by one of Varick’s demons, who control these bands. Even if one of these demons happen to fall, the slave collars can only be removed once Varick is destroyed for good.’
‘It’s the city, Crysalis, that lays before me. They say it was once a beautiful and peaceful city filled with kind folk back in the days before Varick’s reign, but that no longer matters now. It’s the place where I recently lived. That is, before I grew this forsaken wings, and everyone found out I was a half-demon. Half-demons are rare, but they say that once they turn 17, they start to turn into real demons. I just turned 17 a week ago. Someday, after a few months, I’ll be a full-fledged demon killing every living thing in sight. And then, on that very same day, I’ll disappear off the face of the planet… Quite simply, human and demon blood were never meant to mix. How ironic… I was always mesmerized by wings in all these plays and stories of old I used to see when I was a kid. I always wanted to have wings, yet they were the very thing that cursed me…’
‘You know, even though we were enslaved and everything, it was pretty nice being accepted with all the other city folk. I have a half-sister named Sorya who lives there who’s 7 years behind me. She’s a full human though, so she has a good life ahead of her, and she’s not left with this curse. Varick once had an awful obsession with my mother, Fira, so she was forced to him against her will, and that’s the only reason I exist. Despite that, she loved me. She let me live along with the other citizens, oblivious to the fact that haunts me now. I grew up pretty close to Sorya. I wouldn’t mind seeing her smile just one more time… Thing is though, I’ve been exiled. The people fear me, and I don’t blame them. With my powers, I managed to break out from the collar before it could kill me.’
He drew his sword and gazed at its reflective surface that mirrored the moon above.
‘But I’m not done with this city just yet. There’s no point in waiting around to die. I’m taking down the city’s leader and freeing everyone, then I’ll move on to the next one. Once they’ve been taken down, I’m paying a little visit to the tower in Fordenna, to defeat Varick. Once he’s been killed, this world will be free once and for all, and maybe Sorya will have a future to look forward too...’
He stood up and withdrew his sword, his eyes narrowing slightly.
‘My heart’s decided… or at least, the part that’s left.’
He turned around and disappeared into the woods.

“Sir, the half-breed is coming back!” one of the guards on the wall shouted.
“Just as I thought,” muttered Bane who was standing along the wall as well. He had short dark brown hair and green eyes. He wore a red trench coat, black shirt, and tan-colored pants. He carried two swords in sheathes behind his back. He smiled menacingly. “Then do whatever it takes to bring him down.”
“Yes sir!” With that, Bane turned and walked off.

Kyrodo approached the city gates slowly, a dark smile playing across his lips as his bangs overshadowed his face. As he got in range of the archers, he slowly drew his blade and continued walking forward. “Fire!” a shout came from the wall. Clusters of arrows were released into the night, filling up a bulk of the sky. Kyro’s wings stretched out to their full length. He speed glided down the road, reflexively deflecting away the arrows with his sword. He dodged left and right as another volley was sent down. As he neared the gate, he dished out his blade. It was shattered to pieces in seconds.
Many guards were waiting for him on the other side with their swords drawn. He dashed forward, slashing all around him at a frenzic speed. He sent one of the guards flying against the others with a powerful kick, then bulleted past them towards the castle in the distance. Guards were running all about the city, shouting out orders as the searched about frantically. All the citizens were ordered to stay inside.
The people that were still remaining would shout out in shock and recognition on sight of him and stay out of his way. As he neared the castle, several guards jumped out in front of him with their blades drawn. Kyr shook his head, then jumped into the air and spun about quickly, striking all around him with his blade. They screamed out into the night as he landed behind them, a rush of red spraying into the air. He rushed on, the castle drawing near.
He readied his blade when he noticed a silhouette in front of the castle gates. He stopped when he realized who it was. “Ma?!” he exclaimed with his eyes widened.
Fira was smashing her fist against the door. “Bring her back! Give me back my daughter! What did she ever do to deserve this?! Why did you have to take her away from me!” Tears rolled down her face as she continued banging on the door. She still hadn’t noticed who was standing right behind her.
“They took Sorya?!” Kyr asked. Fira gasped and whirled around. She was at a loss for words. She backed away from him fearfully, nodding her head slowly. “I’ll handle it. Don’t follow me if you value your life,” he said darkly, avoiding her eyes.
After Fira had stepped away from the door, Kyr slashed his way through and sped into the building. He stopped in the middle of the entrance room and looked around. The throne room had to be on a higher level. He started rushing up the grand staircase, keeping his blade ready beside him. Undead skeletons were waiting all along the upper levels, carrying bows or lances. The lancers charged down the stairs as the rest of them fired a rain of arrows. ‘Humph, a demon’s castle.’
He quickly deflected the arrows coming from above as he made short work of the undead charging towards him. When he finally made it to the highest level, a couple of archers were guarding a long hallway to the throne room. He shot towards them, sending away the arrows coming at him, then jumped and slashed straight past them with a broad swing. Their bones scattered all over the ground as he made his way to the heavy iron doors up ahead. The doors swung wide open.
“I’ve come to destroy you Bane!” he shouted.
Bane smiled as he pressed his arm around Sorya’s neck. She let out a loud choke of pain. “Not if you want your half-sister to remain breathing,” he said with a menacing grin.
Tears rolled down Sorya’s face. “Ky… ro…” she managed to whimper.
“No! Don’t hurt her!” Kyrodo yelled out.
Bane’s smile broadened. “Then drop your weapon, half-breed.”  
Kyr let out a deep breath as he stood upright and closed his eyes. Bane watched him closely. Kyro’s eyes opened slightly. In a flash, he stood straight in front of Bane, his blade clashing loudly against his. Bane had been forced to let go of Sorya. “Sorya, run!” Kyr shouted. Sorya was on her hands on knees, rubbing at her neck. She looked up at him and nodded obediently before turning and rushing off.
Bane smiled. “I’m surprised your powers have managed to develop this strongly after only a week from awakening!”
Kyrodo’s eyes glowed dangerously. “It ends now!” he growled. They both jumped back from each other. Bane drew out his second sword as he took stance. They glared at each other for a moment, then bulleted towards each other. Just as Kyr slashed forward, Bane disappeared from sight. He gasped in surprise as he whirled about. He jumped back just in time, the blade grazing by his left arm. He winced as he landed back down on the ground. ‘He’s fast…’
He watched him closely and saw him disappear right before his eyes. He dodged a swing from his left, then whirled about and blocked as Bane spun and slashed at him from the air with both blades. Just before he could strike back, Bane disappeared again. ‘Damn!’ He glanced about wildly, wondering where he would strike from next. He jumped back just as Bane came down from above and crashed both blades down into the floor. The force of it sent him crashing against the wall.
Bane laughed as he pulled his blades back out of the ground and slowly walked towards him. His eyes were starting to glow. “How are you going to defeat when you can’t even keep up with my speed?” Kyr growled as he spread out his wings and flew into the air. Bane appeared right beside him. Their blades collided several times, then he reappeared behind him. A gash made its way across Kyrodo’s back as he plummeted into the ground. He coughed up blood as he struggled to push himself up. His eyes widened as he felt Bane’s leg sweep under his.
As Kyr was falling, Bane turned up in front of him and thrust his blade forward. Kyro quickly flipped himself back, supporting himself with his palm before springing himself up into the air. His eyes started to glow even brighter. He watched Bane on the ground below as he disappeared again. He pulled himself out of the way as Bane swung at him from above, then quickly turned and blocked as his blades swung at him from behind.
Bane smiled evilly. “You feel it, don’t you? The darkness taking over your heart! I can see it in your eyes… An abomination never meant to exist on this earth!”
Kyrodo’s eyes widened upon these words. He narrowed them again and pushed him back with a burst of strength. “SHUTUP!” He flung himself after him. When Bane moved again, Kyr flapped his powerful wings after him. Though Bane’s movements were still in a blur, they were getting easier to track. He followed him wherever he went, clashing at him aggressively. When they locked blades again, he forced Bane back with all his might.
Bane flipped back against the wall, cursing at himself before springing back. He sent Kyr back to the ground with a fierce momentum.
Pieces of the ground ripped up into the air as Kyrodo slid to a stop. Bane landed in the ground in front of him. “Now this is getting interesting,” he said with a grin. The two sped towards each other with all speed.
They collided in random spots throughout the air, their movements way beyond what human vision could follow. The force from their collisions shattered the surrounding windows and sent pieces of debris flying all around the room. Kyro struck at him several times through the air. Bane retaliated with a strong blow, then sped after him and swung aggressively. Kyrodo blocked each blow quickly, then spun forth several times, swinging dangerously with his sword.
Bane moved in a blur as he dodged past his strikes and stabbed forward with both blades. Kyr quickly dodged to the side and kicked down at him. Bane yelled out as he was sent to the ground, then quickly flipped backwards and landed hard, sending rippling destruction throughout the floor. He blocked upwards with both blades as Kyr came crashing down with his sword. Bane pushed his sword to the side, then nicked by his leg.
Kyro winced, then stepped backwards, blocking desperately as Bane fought back. He quickly ducked by a swing, then sent his elbow into Bane’s stomach. He made a broad swing as Bane slid back, nicking him across the neck. Bane quickly jumped as Kyr charged by, one of his blades striking by his shoulder. Kyr whirled about and sprung after him, a strong fury gripping his body. His eyes were glowing brighter than ever. He sent forth all his strength within every blow as he continued rushing after him. Bane quickly jumped back from one of his swings, then outstretched both blades at his sides before jumping back towards Kyr.
Kyrodo gripped the sword with both hands, each block sweeping by perfectly against both blades left and right. He swept his blade upwards, sending one of Bane’s blades flying, then quickly took off into the air and caught it. Bane flipped back, dodged, and blocked defensively as Kyr glided against him, flailing both blades about oppressive force. He sent forth a couple of double strikes, jumped up and spun through the air several times, then landed in a crouch and swung at his legs.
Bane cursed as he tried desperately to keep up with his strikes. He deflect the last blow away with his blade, eyes widening when Kyr quickly leapt forward and ran both blades through his chest. Kyro pulled back his own blade, and watched Bane stumble back. “You can’t… you cannot… win!…” he rasped, blood dripping down from his mouth.
Kyr stopped and slowly aimed his blade up towards him, glaring at him fiercely. “This is where your reign ends, Bane!”
“No… NEVER!” He took off a black band around his wrist, then pulled it up into the air with his finger lying close to one of the buttons on it. Kyr’s eyes widened. Bane smiled evilly. “Yes, you know what this is, don’t you? With this, the entire population of this city will die in seconds! Say goodbye to your precious family, half-breed!” He laughed aloud as his finger started to press down on the button.
“NO!” Kyr spread his wings out to its fullest, and bulleted straight by Bane. Bane’s eyes widened as he suddenly stood stock still.
Kyr slowly stood up and withdrew his sword. The glow in his eyes faded away. “It’s over…”
A huge gush of blood sprayed up into the air as Bane fell to the floor, his eyes still agape. Kyr’s wounds started to take its toll on him as he made his way out of the castle. He could see Fira and Sorya nearby when he made it out of what remained of the front doors. Fira was holding Sorya tightly against her chest as she was sobbing fearfully. She turned her head, her face immediately brightening up upon sight of him. “Kyri!” Kyr collapsed to his knees, clasping at his arm painfully. Sorya quickly rushed to his side and supported him.
“Kyri, your hurt!” she said worriedly. Fira looked up and watched them, her eyes close to tears.
“Just… just get out! Leave this place and never come back!” Fira shouted, tears sparkling up into the air.
Kyr’s eyes darkened. “You don’t have to tell me twice,” he muttered before standing back up. “I’m fine,” he whispered to Sorya.  Still clasping his arm, he slowly limped his way down the steps from the castle past them. Sorya was close to tears as he watched him go.
“Honey, come to me…” said Fira as she held out her hand. Sorya shook her head rebelliously, and rushed beside Kyr, grabbing his arm.
“Kyri, where are you going?” she asked. Kyro’s eyes widened slightly as he came to a stop, but he kept his eyes fixed forward.
“I’m going to save the world,” he said.
“Mm… But, after you save the world, you’re coming back, aren’t you?” she asked worriedly.
He paused for a moment, then took a deep sigh before turning his head and grinning at her reassuringly. “Of course I am!”
Sorya’s face beamed as she hugged him tightly. “I’m glad…” she whispered.
Kyr gazed at her lovingly. Her smiling face… it was enough to last him a lifetime. “Heh, all right, you can let go of me now. Your big brother’s got some important things to take care of.”
Sorya pulled away from him and smiled up at him. “Okay! Oh, wait, not yet!” She undid the necklace around her neck, than handed it to him. “Always remember me, and don’t ever forget! Once you save the world, we have to meet again, okay?” she said scoldingly.
“Eheh, right…” said Kyr as he accepted her gift. He placed it around his neck, then looked down at it. He saw a compartment on the oval-shaped piece of metal that was hanging from it. He opened it up and smiled. It was a picture of him and Sorya when they were kids. In the picture, his younger self was grinning as he patted Sorya’s head, and Sorya looked so happy as she held up a teddy bear Kyr had given her. “I’ll cherish it forever, Sorya, and I’ll never forget. I promise that once this is all over, we’ll definitely meet again!” he said determinedly. “Take care of mom for me, okay?”
“Mm!” she said happily.
Kyr limped his way back to the city gates, ignoring the stares of some of the city folk as he walked by. He kept the necklace close to his chest as he started down the road towards the next city.
Just thought up something. Partly inspired by Dirge of Cerberus, but mostly by Garakuta ( [link] )

'Tis only the first part. Not nearly as detailed as some of my other stories, but let's see how it goes! ^^

Illustration's a scene from Garakuta by Clairvoyance
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